About Us

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SPARK GEAR is a limited company duly incorporated under the Registrar of the Joint Stock Companies & Firms Bangladesh, Dhaka. It was Initially a partnership firm that has been acquired and taken over by a limited company with Its existing assets and liabilities. SPARK GEAR is also a registered trademark company under the Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks, Dhaka. Initially, there are 04 (four) shareholder directors with an equal investment with the company. SPARK GEAR started its operation on the 1st day of July 2008 with the single outlet at Mirpur, Dhaka. At present, SPARK GEAR has Nationwide operations including Dhaka (Gulshan & Dhanmondi), Bogura, and Sylhet (Zindabazar Kumarpara), Rajshahi, Mymensingh, Cumilla, and Khulna along with the Corporate Head Quarter at Gulshan, Dhaka. Chattogram and Rangpur will be added within a very short span of time with the SPARK GEAR Operations.


To ensure the maximum level of customer service by providing the best quality products at a reasonable price along with a homely environment.


To become a pioneer in the retail business sector both locally and globally by maintaining a very high benchmark of service and building an impeccable reputation within a short time frame.